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The leader is in you-Dale carnegie

 so I thought I could use my free time this month writing more book reviews about the tons of book I now, finally, have the time to read. “The leader in you” by the life and work coach Dale Carneige  is my last reading. Dale Carneige was already an inspiration to me before I read any of his work since I read online some amazing paragraphs he wrote in his first book “How to make friends” and great reviews about his self-development training and coaching. He had inspired millions around the world and I still had absolutely no idea what his books were about. So I finally fed my curiosity and here’s what I think about it.

First thing I have to say is that the Dale Carneige training can be thought of as a professional group and work development that only big, rich, influent companies choose to take so as to double their productivity and look ‘trendy’. But in reality his tips and advice are applicable on all aspects of life, and everyone could benefit from them either it’s at work, in the community, marriage life, with friends and family… It’s really amazing to see how everyone can fit into the resourceful training his books provide. To summarize all the amazing techniques I already learned thanks to just this one little book, I’ll say I learned my leadership aptitudes, and how to build them stronger, how to communicate more efficiently, how to motivate others, earn respect rather than ask for it… and so many other things we all think we already know and manage well in our lives. But the truth is, we still suffer from bad communication problems, low motivation at work, lack of leadership in everyday life situations… So I would really recommend you to get a copy of this book, or anything Carnegie in that matter.

Most self-development books that help you manage your time better, make friends or find happiness as an example, use vague concepts such as: be yourself, communicate better, love the others like you would love yourself and blablabla. This book breaks this ‘let’s speak theoretically’ rule as it has clear, simple and direct points on how to find the results you’re seeking. This means you get unambiguous directions to follow and that is certainly what we’re all looking for rather than the ‘glimpse’ of an answer. We want clear solutions to our problems, not an idea about the solutions. When we read: be yourself, we get the idea, but don’t know how to apply that obvious rule in real life, it’s too obvious actually we don’t know how to put it into actions. While when we read: smile more, have lunch with your co-workers more often, dress to impress, encourage people to open up about their opinions… Well, you just can’t go wrong (unless you don’t put that into realization). And to me, something that simplified and applicable is the best thing that could possibly be given to readers and that is what draw me into Dale Carneige’s book.

I’m gonna recommend you guys to read this article on the very beautiful positivity Blog that sums up the book in 10 important points.

 “The leader in you” also provides the reader with tons of un-famous success stories, and not just renowned people who made it  against all odds who we hear about a little bit too often I think (Einstein, Disney, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates.. to name a few), but un-famous people (ceo’s, directors, entrepreneurs, chefs..) who don’t have the fame of all the illustrious successful people I just talked about, but have the same amount of success and could motivate us to get up each time we fall as efficiently. We wouldn’t hear about these stories on any other book or media, and the Dale Carneige group interviewed them, sat down with them to name and enumerate the factors behind their success, their struggle to arrive at the top they’re now on, the problems they faced and still face, and how they resolve them… It’s really a huge amount of work, Dale Carneige spent his entire life coaching people, making seminaries and workshops, interviewing people… And now, his huge company “Dale Carneige & Associates, Inc” helps improve quality of life in companies and businesses all over the world (more than 73 countries, and most companies on the ‘400 most successful companies’ list issued on Forbes Magazine). I personally think this, on its own, is very admirable and should be taken into consideration.

So, final thoughts? I think the book is definitely worth reading, very helpful overall, well structured… Basically a neat and clean book. So, if you can give it a try, don’t think twice: you’ll come out with at least one new idea in mind. And hey, it could also change your entire life around, who knows what leader you could be?

So that’s it for today, thanks for reading and if you liked or disliked today’s review and book, or if you have any books to recommend me you can comment in the section down below. Have a great week!

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